Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog is moving!

I've been testing out another blog platform for awhile and am finally ready to make the switch.  Please use the following link to take you to Sweet Dream Zadie.

Thanks everyone!  I hope you enjoy the new format.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011


We took Zadie on her first swing today.  She loved it!  She also loved watching the other kids on the swings.  She's such a curious little girl. I have the feeling we'll be spending many an afternoon on these swings this spring. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


We are so happy it's Friday.  Today, two of my friends are coming over with their new baby boys for a little playdate action.  I'm so excited to see Owen and Frankie and Zadie is excited to have some company. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Thursday

There was nothing special about the day, but it was one of the days when everything seems just right.  The weather was sunny and slightly warm, Zadie was a doll all day long, I managed to shop for and prepare dinner, and Nate got home on time.  Like I said, nothing special.  Just me, taking care of my family.  I feel like a wife and a mother and I love it. 


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Origami Cranes

I learned how to make origami cranes last night.  According to an ancient Japanese legend, a crane will grant you a wish if you fold 1000 cranes.  My friend is on a mission to make 1000 by March and I'm helping her out.  Aren't they so pretty?  I'm loving them.  

Friday, January 28, 2011

Brooklyn Snow

 We snapped a few photos on the way to the pediatrician's office yesterday.  I love how pretty Brooklyn looks on the day after a big snowstorm, before all the dirt and grit ruins the snow. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

6 Month Update

We had Zadie's 6 month check up today.  It was my favorite visit to the pediatrician to date.  We talked about all the great foods we can give to our little Z and had tons of questions answered.

Q:  Can babies be allergic to cats and dogs?
A:  No.  Babies don't develop allergies until they are two years old.  Looks like we get to keep Iz for another 2 years without worry.  Yay!

Q:  Can we feed her beans, yogurt, hummus, oil, butter, spices, citrus?
A:  Yes.  We are SO excited to start making some more interesting food for Zadie.  Don't worry, we'll be careful not to overdo it.  We are going to start small, maybe make a little carrot ginger puree.

Q:  How often should we feed Zadie?
A:  The goal is to feed her three times a day, but start with two.  Tomorrow morning Zadie and I are going to share some greek yogurt for breakfast.  I think she's going to love it. 

6 Month Stats
Weight:  14 lb 2 oz - 14 percentile (what a skinny mini!  doctor gold said it's okay, but we're going to start feeding her solids twice a day starting tomorrow)
Height:  28.3 inches - 97 percentile
Head Size:  41.9 cm - 31 percentile

She now enjoys playing by herself. 

She taught herself to sit up on her own.  She's so very proud of herself.  I love it. 

She made her way to the edge of the rug, sat up, and smiled. 

Then she discovered her sock.  She played with this thing for 25 minutes, I kid you not.  She was laughing up a storm and so was I.

She played with this thing for 25 minutes, I kid you not.  She was laughing up a storm and so was I.